Friday, January 4, 2013

Come On....Just SMILE!!!

How many times could we make a difference in a person's life,just by sharing a smile with them.... We never know what a person may be going through, problems they're dealing with, maybe they have a situtation in their life that they don't know how they are going to handle, and they are burdened down by it. But if they happen to look at you....maybe glance your way....and you give them a sincere could possibly give them some hope, some encouragement, just a bit of happiness...even if it's just for that moment... it's still something they might need. And what does it cost you? ... nothing, and it should make you feel better! I LOVE  to see people smile! And I LOVE  to smile! Oh my goodness, to me it's just a good feeling  and I love  to make other people feel better! I think it's a beautiful thing! Why don't you give it a try today?

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