Wednesday, February 22, 2012

How Close Do We Want To Be?

How much of God do we want in our lives? For the past few months, I have felt such a hunger for more of God....I crave His presence....desire such a closeness with Him. Tonight, He brought a scripture back to me- Jermiah 29:13 "You will seek Me and find Me, when you seek Me with all your heart"
I thought about this and I asked I seek Him with ALL my heart?....
Do I truely want more of ...Him than I do anything else? How determined am I to really put everything I've got into seeking Him? I believe God is saying in this scripture, " I am here, I haven't gone anywhere, but if you really want this closeness with Me, then you have to desire it above anything have to seek Me with every bit of your heart". Here in my home, every day, after a shower, I wipe down the chrome, get all the water spots off, in my kitchen, I wipe down the sink and the chrome, because I know if I don't, the water spots will build up and over time, it will be harder to get it clean. One day, God used this as an example to me. He reminded me that I take a lot of pains in being faithful to take care of my house, to keep that chrome shiny....but what about my spiritual life? What about my walk with God? Am I that dedicated to Him? Do I read and study His word faithfully? Do I pray, and seek His will for my life, and when He shows me His will, am I faithful to obey Him in doing what He wants me to do? Does my witness shine for Him? Do I live my life in a way that I, keep those spots wiped off that could possibly make my christian walk become dull looking? I came to the conclusion that I sometimes fail to do what I should, to be able to have that awesome closeness with Him....and I want that! I desire that more than I desire anything else in my life! I believe it pleases God when He sees us desiring Him and seeking to be closer to Him! And He wants that with us as well, but we have to want that and be willing to do whatever we need to do to have that closeness with Him.
"When you seek me with ....ALL..... your heart, then you will find me"
Do you desire God more than anything else in your life? I do... God I want more of you...I want to seek you with ALL my heart.....because you are my everything...
                                       ~ Renee ~

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