Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Christmas Time Is Here!!!

Hello fellow bloggers .............  Christmas time is upon us! ...........
It is just 14 more days until Christmas Day and I'm looking forward to it! My Dad and my brother and his family are all coming to our house to be together and I know it's going to be wonderful! But most importantly is that Jesus will be there  too! But why would He not be? He is with me every day of my life!  My husband and I watched a Christmas show last night and the first thing the guy said to everyone was "MERRY CHRISTMAS"!  And it was repeatedly said throughout the program. I told my husband that I loved it because they were not ashamed to say it.....they didn't say  HAPPY HOLIDAYS ......  they weren't offended by it....... but wait.....oh that's right...they were in Canada..
I love my country and I'm proud to be an American, but no matter what anyone says, WE ARE A CHRISTIAN NATION  and it amazes me that the word CHRISTMAS is not allowed in most work places now and in so many other places! My opinion is, we allow other religions now to voice  their opinion about what they believe, we are not offended by that, but suddenly the Christian belief is offensive and not allowed. I think Christians should be offended by that!  It is sad when I go in somewhere, or pass someone on the street, and when I say MERRY CHRISTMAS they drop their head and either just look at me or say, "you have a good holiday".  God help us.....
However, I will continue to say Merry Christmas, and I will continue to keep that Christmas spirit throughout this glorious season, and every day of the year! Because I love to be happy...I love to smile....I love to see others smile....I love to encourage people.... I love to love people.....and I love my Savior Jesus Christ!!  So God bless each and every one of you this Christmas Season.  Love your families, enjoy the time you get to spend with them, because it could be your last time together....I was blessed to have my sweet precious Mother in my life for 50 years, and Dec. 6, 2010 God took her home  to be with him. But we had a wonderful Thanksgiving that year together, not knowing it would be our last with her. So cherish the time you have with each other. Love each other, laugh together, cry together, share memories together.... It's not about the gifts that we go out and buy....It's about being together and sharing life.
Have a  great day .......  and.......   KEEP SMILING!!!!!!!!


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