Thursday, September 13, 2012

Guard Your Companion

 In the world we live in, so many things can go wrong and so it is important as wives and husbands that we guard each other. The enemy is out to steal, kill, and destroy and he will do it by whatever means he can. Now when I say to guard them, I'm not saying that you can't trust them, or that you are suppose to watch their every move....but David and I were talking to a dear pastor friend of ours one day on the phone, (he is retired now), and as we spoke, he told me...."Sister Renee, guard him. Guard him because there are women out there that will try and destroy his ministry and what he stands for, and it's your responsibility to guard him." Those words still stay in my heart. And this holds true for husbands to guard and protect their wives, because there are men out there that would try to destroy your wives witness also. You may see a situation where it puts your companion in an awkward position with someone, and we need to have each other's back. David and I try to watch closely, not to allow ourselves in any situation that might harm our christian witness, and we pray always, that God will keep us alert to satan's tactics and be aware if something doesn't look or feel quite right. That's what I mean by guarding each other. Never let yourself or your companion be in a position that gives the enemy any room to harm your witness for the Lord if you can help it.
.......God bless.......
                    Keep smiling!!

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